Minimizing Vehicle Distractions for Safety
With GPS systems, smart phones, and in-dash radio and internet systems, there is no lack of distractions inside your vehicle. High-tech cars have all [...]
Effects of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
Not all injuries from car accidents are easy to see. Broken bones and lacerations are obvious at the scene, but for those who suffer [...]
Can I Sue an At-Fault Family Member for Negligence?
It may not be conventional, but yes, you can sue your parent, child, or other family member if their negligence injures you! Several years [...]
You’re Entitled: The Michigan No Fault Statute
Anyone who has watched the local news or read the headlines knows we have had a string of awful, preventable, drunk driving crashes in [...]
About the Lawsuits Filed in the Oxford School Shooting
As you all know, I’ve spent nearly 30 years representing and counseling victims of accidental injuries; plenty of experience dealing with individuals who have [...]
Jonathan Abrahams Named to Top 100 Trial Lawyers in Michigan
For Immediate Release The National Trial Lawyers is pleased to announce that Jonathan Abrahams of Abrahams Law has been selected for inclusion into its [...]