About Jon Abrahams

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So far Jon Abrahams has created 43 blog entries.

Auto Insurance Adjuster Interview: What To Expect

When an individual sustains injury or suffers loss in a car accident as a result of another person's carelessness, reckless behavior or negligent driving conduct of any kind, he or she may have the right to file a lawsuit or claim to recover compensation for damages. Whereas they have no obligation to give a [...]

Auto Insurance Adjuster Interview: What To Expect2024-02-20T09:43:11-05:00

Michigan No-Fault Insurance: Medical and PIP Coverage

Michigan’s No-Fault Insurance Law changed drastically on July 1, 2020. For the first time since I was a 6-year old boy, unlimited, lifetime medical coverage is no longer mandatory. This is the biggest (of many) changes in the new law. When your policy renews, you now have a significant decision to make: to select [...]

Michigan No-Fault Insurance: Medical and PIP Coverage2024-01-24T10:46:39-05:00

Will Your Insurance Protect You While Working As A Delivery Driver?

With the increase in businesses that have added delivery service to their offerings over the past few years, I have heard about more and more people (typically teenagers) working as delivery drivers for companies such as Door Dash, Uber Eats and others. Within hours or even minutes, you or your child can be on [...]

Will Your Insurance Protect You While Working As A Delivery Driver?2024-01-16T09:00:20-05:00

How Can I Recover Damages in a Hit-and Run Accident?

Hit-and-run accidents are becoming more and more common and drivers who cause injury to others as a result of their own negligence, indifference or disregard for the safety of those around them need to be held liable for their actions. If you or someone you know has been injured in an accident caused by [...]

How Can I Recover Damages in a Hit-and Run Accident?2023-11-28T08:58:24-05:00

10 of the Most Common Driver Distractions

Driver distraction has become one of the most common causes of car accidents in Detroit and throughout the nation. Next to drunk drivers, distracted drivers pose the most dangerous risk to both themselves and the countless number of people having to share the roads with them. The most common driver distractions and dangerous driving [...]

10 of the Most Common Driver Distractions2023-10-18T10:27:57-04:00

Reevaluating Your Insurance Coverage

I've written to you before about the change in the Michigan No-Fault Statute wherein you can now elect limited medical coverage as opposed to the unlimited coverage we have always had. Again, I strongly urge you to elect the unlimited medical coverage! Besides that choice, there are other aspects of your coverage that are [...]

Reevaluating Your Insurance Coverage2023-10-03T08:46:02-04:00

Can I Afford a Lawyer?

When a prospective client calls, one of the most common questions attorneys are asked is, “What’s it gonna cost me?” You may often hear or see ads from personal injury lawyers claiming “no fee unless we win.” At Abrahams Law, that is certainly how it has worked for over 30 years for all of our injury [...]

Can I Afford a Lawyer?2023-10-04T05:14:47-04:00

Does Your Insurance Cover Working As A Delivery Driver?

It used to be a job reserved for teenagers and college students, but working as a delivery driver for companies such as Door Dash, Uber Eats and others has become an incredibly popular job for people of all ages over the past few years. Within hours or even minutes, you can be on your [...]

Does Your Insurance Cover Working As A Delivery Driver?2023-10-04T05:14:46-04:00

Big Brother Is Watching

Some people may think our society is too caught up in technology, social media, and basically always being “on.” Remember the good old days where you could enjoy a great meal and didn’t feel pressure to post it on social media? Or when you could invite a couple of friends over without getting a [...]

Big Brother Is Watching2023-09-04T03:54:37-04:00