The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration defines aggressive driving as, “when individuals commit a combination of moving traffic offenses so as to endanger other persons or property.” A driver traveling at an excessive rate of speed could be considered as an aggressive driver. Should a driver fail to obey a stop sign or red light, he or she is putting others at risk, and therefore is performing some form of reckless or aggressive driving behavior. Other actions which indicate an aggressive attitude include cutting another driver off, tailgating or following too closely behind the driver in front of you, failing to signal when making a lane change, ignoring posted traffic signs, and many others. It is this seemingly aggressive conduct that can be a catalyst for road rage.
Road rage occurs when an individual intentionally uses his or her vehicle in an attempt to assault, or aggressively threaten another driver. He or she does so in response to an event or occurrence which took place earlier on the road, and without any regard for the safety of others. It is true that not all road rage stems from aggressive driving. In some instances, an inadvertent action by a distracted or careless driver could lead another driver to experience some level of road rage. Responding in any way to the aggressive driving tactics of another could put yourself and others at risk. If someone cuts you off and you speed up in an attempt to retaliate, you have become an aggressive driver yourself and could be considered to be experiencing road rage.
If you have been involved in a car accident, especially one you believe was caused by the aggressive driving of another, I recommend you consult with a Detroit car accident lawyer from Abrahams Law right away. When you contact my firm, I will take the time to review your case, advise you of your legal rights, discuss how you wish to proceed, and help you prepare your claim or lawsuit to recover the maximum possible compensation. With over three decades experience representing the victims of car accidents and other injury accidents, and having recovered millions of dollars on behalf of my clients, you can rest assured that I am the advocate you want fighting for your rights.